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THE NINE MILE VALLEY - Enjoy our photos _ we are working on our photo gallery - check back often as more photos are added!
There are so many different possibilities for this wonderful venue - from private to public events, you are sure to capture the beauty of the Nine Mile Valley in and the Nine Mile Community Center in your photos! This is a small collection of photographs of the Nine Mile Community Center, the buildings and the surroundings, including the valley. We have tried to represent the valley in all seasons. If you have historic photos or significant photos that you would like to share and think they would enhance our web site, please email them to our address listed below. View them all, or click the event to see that specific phot gallery!
Weddings Birthdays Christmas Eve Event Old Fashioned Christmas & Craft Fair
Valentines Potluck & Dance Old Fashioned Easter Apple Cider Pressing Event
4th of July ATV/UTV Parade Community Yard Sale Spring Clean-Up Event
Miscellaneous Community Briefings & Activities Over the Years
Wedding Photos
Birthday Photos
Christmas Eve Event
Christmas Eve Photos
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